Preparations for this party began a while ago, with the purchase of several decorations online, including the Pablo pinata and pablo cake pan that came with instructions for creating the cake. Orlando agreed to make the cake The process wasn't great for him, and he swears that if he ever sees the special food coloring again, he's going to throw it out the window. In the end, it turned out great.
The Pablo pinata was in the living room, and the kids thought it was great.
Grandpa Pietr came for the party, too. He was very excited to get to see how Anastasia has grown. As expected, Anastasia was a bit shy around Pietr, but she said his name, and started to warm up to him before he left on Monday morning.
To keep the kids busy during the party, we'd set up a coloring station on the bookshelves in the front window.
There were plenty of markers and crayons for the kids to use to draw a pretty picture for Anastasia's birthday. Of course, Anastasia spent a lot of time there herself. It was also a hit with some of the grown-ups. In the end, the picture was a wonderfully colorful tribute to Anastasia's birthday.
When it came time to blow out the candles, Anastasia was very excited by her Pablo cake. She really hadn't seen it before this. She loved having Happy Birthday sung for her, and it was so fun to watch her learn how to blow out her candle.
In all the excitement about the cake, I completely forgot to put out the ice cream, but the kids were blissfully unaware. Anastasia's cake fell on the floor almost immediately, but was rescued by Daddy, and soon, accompanied by an orange popsicle. Even our very serious little girl had to enjoy this.
Unfortunately, the party couldn't last forever. We had decided before the party began that we would open presents after the guests had gone, but we had a bag full of treats for Annie's friends to remember her by.
After almost all of our friends had said goodbye, we brought out Anastasia's presents and started the long process of opening them. She was very excited by all of the presents which included new books, new clothes, play food and cooking utensils, and the big one:
Anastasia loved her tricycle. Orlando helped navigate the slight slope of our back driveway and after a few turns, she had the knack of it. It wasn't easy getting her off of it that night, or the following morning, when she rode it around the living room.
After Anastasia went to bed (not difficult, considering how busy her day had been), we spent the evening hanging out on the back patio enjoying the lovely cool evening (not a typo, it was only in the 80s all day!) Pietr had promised to cook us dinner, but since we were all still full from the party, we decided to just have bread and cheese instead. All in all, it was a really great day.