Once again, it was very foggy in the morning, so we heard the fog horn a lot. Anastasia was a little scared at first, but then she learned that it was just the ships way of letting other ships know we were there. Then she walked around shouting "out of my way other ships!"
Most of the day was spent running around the ship and playing with Anastasia. We also had to make sure that everyone got their afternoon naps. Anastasia and her two friends, Dog and Bear, enjoyed a little Backyardigans while Mommy snoozed.
The fog burned off relatively early in the day, so we went to the deck to enjoy the view of the inside passage, then, it was time for a snack and a spin at the bar.
We watched the pilot ship arriving to steer us into Victoria. It was the first time Myney got to see the ship ease its way into the dock. It was bedtime for Anastasia, and then the rest of us were off to town for dinner and a tour of the city. We decided to walk to town, since it looked like it would take a while to get a cab. The walk turned out to be a nice one through one of the most expensive and historic neighborhoods in Victoria. We headed straight for the horse drawn carriage tours and took a 1/2 hour tour through downtown.
Our horse, Molly:
The riders:
Thelighted parliament building and Empress Hotel were two of the first sights on our tour.
Next we went passed a street performance and our horse did a little dance for us.
Then we went through Chinatown, which was very impressive for it's cute Bonsai trees (nevermind that bonsais are Japanese, not Chinese).
At the end of the tour, we picked a restaurant for dinner (Myney and Orlando really wanted oysters, so that was the deciding factor in our dinner destination.) The oysters hit the spot, and it was back to the ship in time to sail back to Seattle.
The next morning, we were all sad to have to say bye-bye to the ship. We had one last big, rich breakfast and got all of our things together for our disembarkation.
Once we'd gotten off, we called the driver who'd delivered us to the cruise ship terminal and settled ourselves with our baggage to wait. It only took a couple minutes, and then we were on our way to the airport. We had a long while to wait at the airport, but I soon discovered that SEA-TAC is the greatest airport for children ... ever! Right in the terminal, there is a playroom for kids Annie's size, filled with stuff for kids to climb on, slide down, and crawl through.
Anastasia loved it, and even made a couple of friends. After a while, she decided she could take care of flying us home.
The flight was long, we landed after 11:00 pm, and then had an hour drive home. Needless to say, we were all very tired and ready for our own beds. Fortunately, we had Saturday and Sunday to relax and get ourselves ready to return to the real world. We all continued to sway a bit with the imagined waves of the cruise, and we began planning our next vacation almost immediately. Anastasia can't wait.