It's been a banner couple months for entertainment for our little girl. Last month it was Disney Princesses on Ice, this month, Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Baily's Circus came to town. I haven't been to the circus since I was little, so I was very excited to get tickets. Sadly, Orlando had to work, so he missed out again.
We got there early enough for a bit of the pre-show on the floor, where we got up close to one of the elephants.
Anastasia was very excited, though I don't know if she really knew what to expect.
The show started with a grand parade of all the performers around the "big top".
Anastasia's excitement turned to complete awe as the show moved from the parade into the performances. First up were the tigers.
Then the contortionists.
The high wire act was great, but hard to get pictures of. They even did an uphill wire walk in a tower of three!
At intermission, it was time for cotton candy. The hat came with the candy, and Annie didn't seem to mind that it was too big for her.
The motorcycles were amazing. They got 7 of those things in that tiny globe, and had them moving in intersecting circles. We were all amazed.
Anastasia was getting very worn out and she asked to go home shortly after the motorcycles, so we didn't get to see the elephants come out and do their act. Still, Annie got a baby elephant souvenir, so it was like we were bringing them home with us.
Orlando was at home waiting, so Annie told him all about the amazing things she'd seen, and then went to bed with her elephant (dubbed Ariel) and a great big smile.