I remember Grandma Sally curling my hair with strips of fabric torn from old rags. I told Anastasia about my memories of getting curly hair using old rags, and she thought it sounded like fun. But, since our weekends are often pretty busy, I really needed a long weekend to make it a possibility. So yesterday, with no chores and hours until we left for lunch, I pulled out an old flour sack cloth and cut some rags. Anastasia did a great job sitting still (Spongebob helped) for the 30 minutes it took me to roll her hair into this lovely little ragamuffin.
Three hours later, we were ready to take the rags out. Anastasia was pretty excited to see her hair curly. It didn't look like much, but it was pretty much what I remember my hair looking like when I was little.
After some brushing and twisting, and a healthy amount of hairspray, the curls were eventually tamed into a pretty style that I captured in a sweet impromptu portrait.
When Orlando saw the picture, he said this is what she should look like for her formal portrait next year (only without the crayons in front or the Wii balance board behind her.)