Twice as a teenager, I tried ice skating. I loved rollerskating, so I thought ice skating would come somewhat naturally to me. Not so much. The last time I was on ice skates was 21 years ago in Sweden. This is how I spent most of the afternoon:

Mamma Eva and Pappa Christer were happy to help, and didn't laugh too much as I flailed about. I just accepted that it was something I can't do and haven't tried since. Until today.
We headed down to the new rink near the baseball stadium, paid our $10, and put on some skates. Fearless Anastasia dove right in, holding onto the rail, and taking off with style.

I held my breath and climbed onto the ice. After a few minutes holding the rail, I somehow got my feet under me and started to feel a bit more comfortable.

We both fell a couple times, little girl's got a bruised bottom and I'm going to have a nice bruise on my knee, but it was a really fun afternoon. Thinking that we may need to plan a Hitzig Family Fun Day adventure soon. Would love to get Orlando out on the ice.