Our little girly-girl immediately picked up on the the fact that snow sticks to your shoes and pants. She was not pleased by this particular feature of the white stuff. We got into the yard and I laid down to make a snow angel. Anastasia was not impressed, and insisted that I get up. So we moved on to picking up the snow and throwing it. She thought the snow was dirty, and got a little bothered that it was stuck to her mittens. Mostly she had fun, though.
After about 15 minutes, Anastasia asked to go inside because her pants were getting wet. I managed to get a one more great picture before we went inside.
When we got inside, Anastasia insisted that her pants had to come off immediately. They were wet, and she wanted nothing to do with them. I asked her if she wanted to go out and play in the snow again, and she said "No, I want to go to the grocery store."
The rest of our snow day was pretty much spent inside: shopping for dinner, visiting with Daddy, and painting two very pretty pictures before making dinner. No nap, and still Annie was a fun kid for the whole day. Maybe next winter we'll have a snow day before March.
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