Recently, though Anastasia has become a real expert in operating the iPhone. This has afforded Orlando and me a little more sleep first thing in the morning. Every morning now, when she comes into our room, she picks up Orlando's phone and navigates her way to Scooby Doo or Backyardigans to occupy herself until it's time to get ready to go. Here she is showing off.
And that's not all she can do. She's also pretty good a navigating her way around to other things, too. She loves to look at pictures of herself.
And most recently, she's gotten pretty good at taking pictures, too. A couple weeks ago, she took a couple pictures using my camera. This week, she showed off her skills with the iPhone camera.
She hasn't quite gotten the hang of holding the camera away so she can see what she's aiming at, but judge for yourself, here's the photo she took in this video. (She was telling the truth when she said "I already did." The second picture wasn't as good.)
Do you think Apple is looking for a 2 1/2 year old to star in their commercial answer to "I'm a PC and I'm 4 1/2"?
1 comment:
I have my dogs trained to not get out of the bed until the alarm goes off...of course I have yet to be able to train Roxy from standing on my chest and licking my face while she waits.
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