Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anastasia's Classroom

Yesterday was back to school night for Anastasia. After a program of announcements from the Principal, Assistant Principal, and After School Program Director, the other parents and I walked down to the classroom to take a look at some of the things the kids have done since school started 2 1/2 weeks ago.

On September 1, the teachers sent home a calendar with activities for read a story together, us to do every day of the month. Some of the items are things Annie's very good at (find circles, draw a picture of your new teachers) and others are a bit more of a challenge for her (learn to recite your full name and address.)

The first thing I spied in the room was the children's illustrations of the story of The Little Red Hen.

Then I saw what Annie was talking about when she told me that her favorite part of a previous day was to glue the apples.

My favorite of Anastasia's school work on display was the self portrait she colored to show how she felt: "I feel grumpy because I'm sad".

1 comment:

Abby said...

Ohhh, that's adorable...will her grumpy little photo be up all week.

That activity calendar is a little intense!