Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Minnie Mouse the Social Butterfly

This was the busiest Halloween yet for Anastasia. There was a fall festival at school all week, including a haunted house and costume party, pumpkin patch in the cafeteria and a goody bag filled with yummy treats.

Then, on Friday, after a day at home with Daddy (school was closed for teacher inservice), Myney, Annie and I went to Hilloween at Eastern Market with friends Abby, Ann, and Nathalie. Hilloween is a festival type block party put on by the merchants of Eastern Market. Usually it takes place on Halloween, but the change in date this year meant that it was very crowded. Still, Anastasia had a lot of fun.

There was a hay ride, a small carousel, free balloons and a moon bounce for the kids. Anastasia was very excited to ride the carousel and the hay ride, so that's what we waited in line for.

Halloween arrived on Saturday with a costume party at the playground sponsored by our neighborhood association. There were lots of cute kids there, and it was our chance to play with all our friends in the neighborhood. I forgot my camera, so I'm beholden for to neighbors for pics, but you'll see them when I get them.

After a nap and a quick wash of the costume, Trick or Treating began. Little girl's stamina is only good for a couple blocks, so it we took just a short walk around the neighborhood to fill her bucket.

A pretty good haul for a little girl.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Cutest little Minnie Mouse ever!