Monday, July 26, 2010

West Virginia Bound

Hall and Amy celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this weekend and we had planned a roadtrip to help them celebrate for a while. It's a very pretty drive, culminating in a rather harrowing drive up Butler Mountain Road. We couldn't have ordered better weather. In the city, temperatures were in the high 90s, on the mountain top, it was closer to 85 with a lovely breeze that kept everything comfortable.

We arrived as the party was just hitting it's stride, with music provided by Orlando's cousins Xander and Orion, and their Brown Chicken Brown Cow String Band.

Anastasia found a great friend in two year old Analee. Together they played with the water baloons, the badminton set and chased each other all around the yard (Analee decided clothes were unnecessary for the afternoon).

Myney and I traded duties as photographer during the party. She took what is now my favorite family photo of all time.

As the day wore on, Orlando taught Anastasia some of the joys of the country, including all the fun things you can see in the clouds and night sky.

When Stasia got tired, we headed back down the mountain to bed with a promise to come back in the morning for breakfast. The morning was a typical West Virginia morning. Orlando enjoyed the view from the other side of the kitchen on a Sunday morning.

While we waited for breakfast, we decided to take a walk out to the fields to see the edge of the property. Anastasia was very excited to see lots of butterflies and pick a handful of yellow flowers.

After breakfast, and a few more water balloons, it was time for us to head back down the mountain and start making our way home. Annie loved the visit with Hall and Amy and can't wait to go back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara, Orlando, Anastasia is so beautiful, and grown up. I'm so glad you went...I know it meant a lot to Hall and Amy. now what about a trip over here. i have lots of space and an enormous welcome waiting for you. with love, cayla