My friend Nathalie volunteered to make theme appropriate cupcake toppers for the party, too. Anastasia was very surprised when she saw her face on all the cupcakes!
When the party was well and truly underway, and the grown ups were enjoying themselves, the kids headed to the front yard for a little Slip'n'Slide fun. It took them a little while to get the hang of it, but eventually they were sliding with real gusto.
Meanwhile, another group of kids took to the backyard to entertain the big dogs on the deck.
And several of the grownups took turns holding two-week old baby Zolie, the littlest guest at the party.
Soon it was time for cupcakes (thanks Myney for baking the delicious bites.)
Fresh from their heavy dose of sugar, the kids made their way up to Anastasia's bedroom, where they proceeded to make a bigger mess than I've ever seen in her bedroom. Then they migrated back downstairs to form a band in the living room.
They had a blast. Meanwhile we enjoyed a few moments to relax on the deck.
And on the front porch:
Anastasia crashed hard at 7:45 or so, after reassurances from Orlando and me that the Pick-Up Fairy (that story will come soon) gives a special exemption for birthday girls. The adult portion of the party continued for another couple hours and Sunday was a pajama day for Anastasia and me. A very happy birthday for our little girl.
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