That's the first line of the Georgetown fight song, and I think it sums things up nicely.
It's been a long time, but Orlando has inspired me to try to get back into the writing of the blog. Apparently he was bored the other day and read the entire thing from the beginning, and was sad that I had gotten out of the habit of writing it. So, today seems to be as good a day as any to pick it back up.
A friend gave Orlando two tickets to the Georgetown basketball game for today. He suggested that I take Anastasia, maybe to balance out the Maryland indoctrination with a little Hoya Saxa. She's had 7 full years of learning about Maryland sports, and I've been a bit lax in my teaching of Georgetown lore.
This morning I sang her the whole fight song (she thinks it's too long) and she finally put on the Georgetown t-shirt that I bought her months ago (to go with a very stylish maxi skirt, because that's how she rolls).
It may have been pricey, but lunch was very delicious, and almost too big for little stuff to eat.
Next, it was on to our seats. We had section 225 to ourselves. Not the closest seats, but we had a good view of the action. Anastasia has a pretty good understanding of football, but she really knew nothing about basketball. So, it was up to me to school her a bit. She's a quick study and within a few minutes of the first half, she was really into the game.
The Hoyas won, and we took the short metro ride home, arriving in plenty of time to see Maryland win their last regular season football game. Yep, that's a good day.
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