Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A bad day for the Hitzigs

Yesterday, I got my cast off, which was an exciting way to start the day. I got fitted for a walking boot, which is incredibly uncomfortable, but we're going to figure that one out on Friday. Pictures later, I promise.

On Sunday night, Orlando started to feel his heart beating irregularly. It was Atrial Fibrulation, a problem he's had before. Usually, when it happens, it stops by itself within a few minutes. This time, unfortunately, it didn't stop by itself. by about 11:00 yesterday morning, he had decided that he needed to go to the hospital to get it to stop. When he got there, the first thing they wanted to do was shock him to get his heart beating properly again. Unfortunately, to do that, they have to sedate him, and he'd tasted his sauces from lunch service, so the doctors said no.

Just after I arrived at the emergency room, I got a call from Anastasia's daycare saying that she had woken up with a bloody nose that was not stopping. Apparently she was dripping blood all over the classroom, so I had to go get her. Fortunately, without the cast, this was a lot easier. She was fine and very concerned about the new piece of equipment on my foot. Once Myney got home, I left to go back to the hospital, still hoping that we'd be able to come home soon.

Back with Orlando, instead of shocking him, they tried medicine. The first medication didn't work, but 4 hours later, shortly after I got back to the ER, the second one did. Unfortunately, they had already decided by that point that O was going to have to spend the night. Kind of stinks, mostly because by the time he actually got to a room (at 11:15 pm) he was feeling fine, and really just wanted to come home. About 3:00 today, he finally was able to leave the hospital.

Not a fun day in our house. Sorry, no pictures of Orlando in the ER, or Annie with a bloody nose.

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