When she came downstairs, she immediately saw the babydoll in a stroller and the play kitchen.
Myney and I were successful in getting her to wait to open the rest until after breakfast. I expect this is the last year that trick will work. She played with the doll while I made the waffles. Breakfast was first, then presents. Anastasia liked the blueberry sauce I made.
When it came time to start opening, Anastasia and Candis were both very excited. Annie asked Orlando to open every present and played with each before opening the next.
She ran out of steam toward the end, and with two presents left to open, she declared that she was finished. After a short rest, she went back to them and eventually finished opening all of her gifts. Then she remembered that Santa had promised to leave candy in her stocking.
When it was all over, Myney had gotten a new sink and vanity for her bathroom and tickets to two musicals, Orlando had gotten a new workbench with two big tool chests, and I got a porch swing and an iPhone. A great Christmas was had by all.
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