Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Surgery and the cast

A little late in posting this, sorry. On November 26, the day before Thanksgiving, I had surgery to repair some torn connective tissue in my ankle. The surgery went well, and I was very thankful for our tradition of going out for Thanksgiving dinner because it meant a very relaxed day for me. Initially, the ankle was wrapped with ace bandages on a pretty intense splint, to allow for swelling, then on Monday Dec. 1, I got a real cast. (I'm wishing for the splint now because the ace bandages made scratching the leg so much easier.)

Top 10 reasons why having a cast on my leg is a pain:

10 - Crutches are a workout the likes of which my body has not endured in 5 1/2 years
9 - I can't carry a glass of water
8 - I've had to take cabs home from work because I can't make it to the metro
7 - I'm not able to help with cleaning the house
6 - Putting away laundry takes three times as long
5 - Getting dog hair all over my butt from going down stairs
4 - Finding clothes that are both warm and fit over the cast is a challenge
3 - Christmas shopping has felt like running a marathon
2 - I can't pick Anastasia up and carry her
1 - Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy

On the positive side, I get to use those motorized scooter grocery carts.

Cast comes off on Monday, and then I'll have a walking boot. I'm told by my doc that I'll need the crutches for support for the first couple of days, but after that I should be more mobile.

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