Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Play House

When you're 4, and the house gets a new dishwasher, the only acceptable way to dispose of the box is to turn it into a play house. Anastasia's has a front door, windows, and even plants for the front yard.

She drew some paintings on the walls, and an apple tree (complete with apple stickers on the outside.)

We moved the play house into her room before the rains came, and she's incorporated it into her imaginary play with dolls, dinosaurs, and all the other friends who live in her room.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Little Miss Fix-it

Our little girl has always been a bit of a handy-helper. At age 2, she began helping Orlando with his motorcycles. Today, she's a ready assistant when there's something that needs fixing.

When the vacuum needed a little work, she was in charge of screwing the screws out and then back in. She's mastered the "righty tighty, left-y loosey" rule.

A couple weeks ago, our dishwasher died. The new one required a new hole to be drilled in the cabinet for the water lines. Since Orlando had to work, I offered to drill the hole so he could hook up the plumbing and electricity when he came home. Annie was right there to help. While I drilled, she held my flashlight. Then, when the hole was done, she switched to pushing the water lines through.

When we were finished, it was time to go out for a drink at the new restaurant around the corner from our house. An excellent end to a very busy day.