Monday, January 12, 2009

Potty Success

Anastasia has not had much interest in toilet training. Being the only kid in her class at daycare that didn't use the potty didn't seem to bother her at all. She would sit on the potty when the other kids go, but didn't actually do anything there. She'll stand up and declare "I pee-pee" with nothing to show for it.

So, Orlando and I were both very surprised yesterday when out of the blue she asked to go potty, and actually peed! We were downright shocked when she did it again 2 hours later. As a reward for that, we decided she could be diaper free. By the third time, shock had dissipated, and all we were left with was pride. She got such a grin on her face every time we told her we were proud.

This morning, she woke up dry at 5:30 and came to us asking to go potty. It took only a couple of seconds on the potty before she was successful again! We dropped her off at school with a positive attitude and hope for happy news at the end of the day. Tonight, I hope to get some pics of her in action.

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