Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life is a Song ... And a Dance

Lately, Anastasia has been singing to herself a lot, usually with a dance. She sings the Barney song, Happy Birthday, pretty much anything that she has heard at daycare or on the Backyardigans.

The other morning, we were getting ready to leave for the day, and she decided to start singing the pirate song (from one of her favorite episodes of Backyardigans.) For the lucky among you who haven't seen this episode a million and one times, the lyrics to the song are:

A pirate, a pirate, a pirate says Argh.
If you think we're noisy, you're right, we are
And they know your a pirate when they hear you say Argh.

Annie doesn't really know the middle line, but she loves the song.

And when she's not singing that song, she's singing something else. This morning, it was Ring Around the Rosey. She did this one several times before I started taping, so I was only able to get one go.

She's definitely taking in the music that she hears at school. Not sure if there's a career in music in her future, but it's clear that her early musical tendancies are continuing in full force.

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