Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snopocalypse, Snowmageddon or Blizzard of 2010

This winter has been much snowier than we've had in a long time. We've had 4 measurable snow falls in the last 6 weeks, and if Punxsutawney Phil is right, we've got another 6 weeks of winter weather ahead. This week's storm was major, nearly 30 hours of constant snowfall dropping more than 2 feet of snow. Not surprisingly, Annie was very eager to get out an play in it. Orlando was happy to oblige with a tow around the 'hood in the new wok bought just for this purpose.

After her ride down the street, she and Daddy attempted to build a snow man only to find that the snow was too dry. Then they decided to start trying to dig us out. Anastasia with a trowel, Orlando with a snow shovel. After about an hour, Annie decided that it was time for a hot chocolate break before heading back out.

All of this was early in the day, with more than 10 inches of snow still to fall. Once Orlando and Annie got cold, we settled in for a day of watching movies and the nonstop coverage of the weather on TV.

Then, Daddy painted Anastasia's fingernails.

When the snow finally ended, our patio was a wall of snow. The dogs have not yet managed to make it down the steps. Not surprising, since our final total was 26 inches.

Our little girl had a great time playing, and crashed hard, on my shoulder while we were deciding who was going to read her a story for bedtime.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Do you think Orlando could fit me in at 3pm for a mani/pedi?