Saturday, May 8, 2010

Says Anastasia

She's at the age when she starts to come out with some real jems. Just a couple examples:

Playing Doctor:
At the doctor's office, we were playing make-believe in the examination room while we waited. Anastasia took the role of doctor to Orlando's patient, and entered with:

"My name is Lipstick Sunglasses, but you can call me Lipstick."

True Love:
This week, Anastasia asked for two treats after dinner, and I said "Yes, you can have two tonight, because I love you." Last night, she asked for two treats and I said no, just one. Her response, "Oh, because you don't love me?" Ouch. So, I should carefully consider my reasoning for every decision.

Yesterday, Anastasia and I were talking about nicknames: how her's is Annie, her friend Katherine's is Katie and so on. Then she says, "but I have two nick names, Annie and Annie Banann-y, right?" Of course, two nick names.

Where do lions live?
Lately, we've been working on pronunciation. For example, at night, I ask her what her favorite part of the day was, and she replies, "My favorite park was..." so I'm trying to get her to realize that the ending sounds are different and that makes them two different words. A few weeks ago, we went to the zoo, and it was there that we discovered what is possibly the most embarrasing mispronunciation in her repertoire. See for yourself:

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