Wednesday was about playing at the house. No plans, just playtime for the girls. They woke up early. Probably earlier than any of us expected. Still, they played together pretty quietly in Anastasia's bedroom, so Orlando and I were able to sleep until almost 7:00. After getting dressed (surprisingly, they each picked beautiful outfits all by themselves) they started in with a game of hide and seek with walkie talkies.
After a visit to Anastasia's school so Ashley could meet her class, and a lot of running around the house, it was time for a bath in the big tub. Ashley was very surprised when she pushed the button that starts the bubbles. With lots of bubbles, the girls had a ball putting on bubble beards and saying "ho, ho, ho." Then it was time to wash each other's hair.
Yesterday, Orlando was home with the girls and Mom and Dad while I went to work. Again, the girls played well together, but by about 11:00 Orlando was itching to get out of the house. So, it was off to the Metro with the girls and Mom (who played photographer for the day).
They headed to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Anastasia showed Ashley her favorite dinosaur bones and the giant whale in the middle. Orlando got to play chaperon to the two prettiest girls in the building.
Day two ended with a game of "nose button" in the house. Orlando has to wear a Holter monitor for a day or so, and it came with about 200 of the sticker sensor attachments. When we put the sensors on him the girls were very interested, so we explained that they were "nose buttons". The girls ate it up and this was the result.
Two happy little girls had a lot of fun and crashed very hard. Day three dawned to the promise of a carnival at Annie's school and an afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa.
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