Friday, May 20, 2011

Little Miss Fix-it

Our little girl has always been a bit of a handy-helper. At age 2, she began helping Orlando with his motorcycles. Today, she's a ready assistant when there's something that needs fixing.

When the vacuum needed a little work, she was in charge of screwing the screws out and then back in. She's mastered the "righty tighty, left-y loosey" rule.

A couple weeks ago, our dishwasher died. The new one required a new hole to be drilled in the cabinet for the water lines. Since Orlando had to work, I offered to drill the hole so he could hook up the plumbing and electricity when he came home. Annie was right there to help. While I drilled, she held my flashlight. Then, when the hole was done, she switched to pushing the water lines through.

When we were finished, it was time to go out for a drink at the new restaurant around the corner from our house. An excellent end to a very busy day.

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