Friday, July 22, 2011


A carnival came to DC last week, and even though it was ridiculously hot, Orlando and I decided to take advantage of it on a weeknight, when it wouldn't be so busy. As soon as we walked in, Anastasia wanted to hit a roller coaster. The only had a small one, but that didn't stop her from having a ball with Daddy.

She's more than 42 inches tall, which means she can now go on most of the rides at the carnival. So, when she asked to go on the Tilt-a-Whirl, I breathed a sigh of relief when Orlando said he'd go with her. She squealed with joy while Orlando tried not to get sick!

While Orlando recovered, Anastasia moved to a dragon ride meant for the younger set.

Then it was on to the teacups (or Kraft macaroni and cheese cups) for Annie and me. 

Orlando got a picture of each of us as we got off the ride. Guess who liked it better?

We went in search of something that wouldn't turn stomachs, and found the bumper cars. Orlando and Anastasia shared a car, with Orlando serving as photographer. There was one other family on the ride, and because it was slow, the operator let us go twice. The whole ride was a ton of fun.

With only two tickets left, Anastasia got to go on one more ride before it was time to head home. She picked the race cars (even though the motorcycles drew Orlando's eye). She had a fun ride, and showed off her 10 and 2 hand position for the whole ride.

I can't imagine a better way to spend a couple hours (and more than a few dollars) on a hot summer evening.

1 comment:

Pietr Hitzig said...

The bottom picture should be in contention for best pix of 2011. Great composition, color and model.