Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Princess in a Castle

Yesterday Anastasia and I were home together all day, and since it was raining, we weren't able to visit the new playground. So by the middle of the afternoon, I was looking around for things to do. I remembered how much we loved making forts when we were kids, and decided that she needed to learn how. I suggested that we build a fort and her response was "Huh"? When I asked her if she wanted to make a castle, she was on board.

A couple sofa cushions, her high chair, and a couple of blankets later, we had ourselves a real living room fort, castle.

Anastasia was very excited to get inside, and immediately wanted to play with her "beach" inside her castle.

When she realized I was taking pictures, she told me to hide inside so she could take my picture. Not too bad for her first shot.

After a while, she discovered that there was a gap in the roof and decided that it was there so she could play peekaboo with me.

I consider it a success because first thing this morning, she asked to make her castle again.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Oh, just wait until a big cardboard box comes into her life. I think a refrigerator box entertained my best friend and I for an entire summer one year.