Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ready for School

Today we went shopping for Anastasia's school supplies. There were suprisingly few actual school supplies on the list: 2 big pencils, a composition book, two folders and a binder. The rest of the list looked a lot like the list of supplies for daycare: change of clothes, crib sheet, blanket, toothbrush, hand sanitizer, etc. It's all now in a bag waiting for the first day of school, a week from tomorrow.

And today we tried on Annie's school uniform for the first time, too. She looked very cute. Little one has three different options for school.

Plaid Skirt

Gray Skirt

Plaid Jumper

I know I said she wasn't going to get a jumper, but I managed to find it for significantly less than the $40 it cost on Land's end, so we got one in addition to the two skirts.

Once I got a few pictures, Anastasia was very eager to get back into the dress she'd picked to wear today. Hopefully, she'll be a bit more excited to wear the uniform when she's actually going to school.


Abby said...

Adoring readers are dying to know what kind of school tote Ms. Anastasia will be sporting along with those adorable little plaid skirts?

Orlando, Sara and Anastasia said...

You know, that hasn't actually been determined, yet. Thoughts on the subject?