Friday, February 25, 2011

Cooking Lessons

Anastasia has always loved to help in the kitchen. She started by helping with Shake N' Bake, and quickly graduated to helping with cupcakes. Since then, she's moved on to cracking and scrambling her own eggs and helping gather ingredients as we start cooking. Now, she's interested in taking the next step in our lessons in the kitchen, learning how to cut the vegetables of our meals. Recently, when I decided to make beef stew, Anastasia was super excited to get to cut some of the veggies.

I cut the onion and the carrots, then put Annie to work on the celery while I prepared the meat. A few weeks ago, I started her cutting broccoli off the stem and I was sure she was ready to take the next step. She did a great job. Orlando was very excited when he saw the picture.

When she'd finished cutting all the celery, I'd finished browning the beef so it was time to get all the vegetables into the pan. Anastasia was ready to help again.

I know Orlando loves that she's so interested in food. Yesterday, as she was helping him make paella (which she loved when she got to taste it), he questioned what she might be cooking when she's in college. Clearly she's moved well past ramen at this point.

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